Monday, April 27, 2009

Spring Car Cleaning Season!

Well, now that old man winter is finally dead; I can get some work done on the car and not freeze my fingertips off! This weekend was bright, sunny, and hot enough to make a camel sweat. I'm not complaining though. I did enough of that during winter. So, the first item on the agenda for this year's spring cleaning is to try to make some room! I may have mentioned here before that the garage is quickly becoming quite cluttered. I've got a nice little pile of car doors, fenders, and support brackets going. This is a good thing, because everything is in pretty good shape; and after I sand, prime, and paint them, they will be just like new. That's a weekend for another blog; but for now, I need to make room. This was also a good time to inspect some of the stuff a little better as well. So after handling the business of taming the lawn( #1 on my 'honey do' list), I enlisted the aide of an 'assistant' and we proceeded to cart everything outside and sort through it on the lawn. After my assistant (aka Skyler) and I got it all sorted, we boxed up the trim that was re-usable and stripped the ratty old door vinyl off. I've got this stuff tied down under a tarp in the back yard because I need the space in the garage. Now it was time to put together my shiny new engine hoist! For anyone who has never put one together, it is definitely a two-man job. It wasn't difficult, per se, you just have to have another set of hand to get all this stuff bolted together ( hands though, not a set of girly hands). So after 4 water breaks, a couple of intermissions to chase Jr. around/out of the garage or change diapers, and a few minutes of headscratchin' when the support braces didn't line up; we got it done! The funny thing that it's GO TIME with the hoist; I'm too tired to try and pull the engine or tranny. Feels like 'Miller time' to me (...more accurately Budweiser time) so I'm counting this as a weekend well spent.

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